Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Defining Freedom

by Tina Coffey
Lately with all that is happening in the United States, I have been thinking a lot about freedom and what it really is.  I looked up the definition of freedom and it reads: "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."  That seems simple and clear enough but there is another aspect to freedom that I want to touch upon.  The part of this defintion that I want to focus on is the part that reads "as one wants."
Why do we, as human beings "want" things?  More specifically, what kinds of things do we want?  I think it is fair to assume that we want health, happiness, security, good relationships, and so on.  Many of us also want nice things like homes, cars, money in the bank, and other material things.  Those things in and of themselves aren't bad things.  Many also value the freedom to say whatever we want and to do whatever we want.  In America especially, we value this idea of "freedom."

The Confessions of St. Augustine
I would pose this question:  Are you a slave to the things that you want?  By this I mean, do the things that you want control your decision making?  If they do, you aren't actually free at all.  You are a slave.
Let's go back to the dictionary.  The definition of a slave reads: "a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them."  Now this part gets kind of tricky because it involves being super honest with yourself.  We all have these internal conversations where we justify things and they can happen almost in an unconscious way.  Are you a slave to the things you want?
I will use myself as an example.  I like clothes, jewelry, purses, shoes, etc...  What the heck?  I like shopping in general.  Not just shopping for myself but for my children and my husband.  When I'm shopping, I have these little internal conversations with myself where I justify why I should get something.  "It's on sale and with my coupon, I really can't pass it up."  "I need this because it will make me look skinny."  "My old black boots are really outdated.  These are better"  You get the idea.  But the problem is that the desire isn't fulfilled by buying things.  In fact, I find when I shop sometimes the desire increases.  Do I really need these things?  Of course not!  I want them.  Am I always in control of the situation.  Honestly, no.  I can go in my closet right now and pull out half of the items and I would never miss them.
Some people would argue that I'm not hurting anyone, so what is the big deal.  The big deal is that when we let our desires - the things we "want" control our decision making, we are in fact slaves!

This same thought process holds true for the big issues like abortion, sex outside of marriage, contraception, murder, rape, stealing, over-eating, etc...  I know, I know.  I'm stepping on toes with some of those topics, but this is the part where you've got to be honest with yourself.
Envision a world where we humans had self-discipline and instead of doing anything we wanted, we did what we should do - the right thing.  Can you imagine?  I think of John Lennon's famous words:  "Imagine all the people, living life in peace."  
I know we are not perfect and are incapable of doing the right thing all of the time, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Pray for God's grace when you are struggling with temptation. Think of these lines from the "Our Father" - "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  God's will is what is done in Heaven.  That's why it's heaven.  When our will aligns with his, imagine how great our world will be. Receive the Sacraments regularly and you will be amazed at how what you want becomes the right thing.  Truly become free.

“The good man is free, even if he is a slave. The evil man is a slave, even if he is a king.”
—St. Augustine of Hippo

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